Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New Class Enthusiasm

Started teaching my first class of the year last night, and it is energizing. We did basic stuff, mostly physical (mirroring, object work, Machine, Make a Location) and some abstract focus work (ZZZ, pass the clap). For newcomers to improv the most important thing is getting people comfortable being ridiculous and being crazy together. I love seeing people given the opportunity to be silly, without ego or fear of judgement. Once people get that their safe there is a beautiful change.

Feels great.

Now, I am also champing at the bit to drop some scenic tool on their heads, and I cannot wait to see this group start doing scenes... but there is something really satisfying about this first, getting-to-know-you, wall-razing, school-yard stuff.

Also: In the exercises I ran there was essentially no talking, and it reminded me how much you can get out of the smallest interaction. How the most incidental minutiae can be entertaining if you're focused on it. How I talk too damn much on stage.