I've been vacillating between having a blog and not bothering for about a year now. I was making a lot of excuses not to do it. Most often the excuse that would have me backing out was "Who cares what you have to say about improv?" with a "You'll never keep up with it" chaser. And to that, honestly, "A few locals" and "Probably won't". But I'm not going to let that stop me now.
I am no longer approaching this as an improv pulpit where I need to have smart, incisive sermons that will change the way the games are played. I will not use this as a skeleton for my eventual treatise on performing that will be next 60-page-with-pictures-18-dollar improv bookshelf dust collector. This will not be the mustard seed that grows the tree that topples mighty IRC wiki.
This will be a largely insufferable collection of reposts, navel-gazing self-criticisms, half-baked comedy-philosophy crumbs, and grossly unqualified perspectives on doing improv.
I will be contradictory here, I will be confusing here, I will be unfocused here and probably wrong wrong wrong.
But that's ok. This is going to be my new unpleasant tool. On the advice from the wonderful Chris Grace I dove into the first unpleasant tool for improving my work: watching video. And after the horrible, horrible acclimation period (Nice pants, fatty), it became a very important part of my process. I'm hoping this thing pays off similar dividends.
So, I'll try to keep things going up here, hopefully once a week. Start building this muscle up and see what happens. I want to do it semi-publicly, so as to have some accountability (my life is full of 3 page deep journals).
Plus today's my birthday, and that seems like as good a time as any to give it a shot.